GRC empowers precise decisions through real data interrogation that influences production operations.

Nearly a Century of Differentiation, Diversification and Servitization
Since 1925, Sercel-GRC has been applying geophysical methods to oil exploration. Established by Amerada® Petroleum Corporation as Geophysical Research Corporation, the Amerada® Gauge, a mechanical tool developed to measure downhole pressure and temperature, enabled reservoir engineers and geophysicists to determine wellbore and reservoir capacity and performance.
Now, more than 140,000 downhole gauges later and, with added BEYOND THE GAUGE capabilities, Sercel-GRC not only provides the instruments and vital information you need but data enablement and interrogation that leads to precise decisions that influence production operations.

Data Powered Decision Making
Designed to monitor the production health by keeping you informed on the power required to deliver desired production and by implication, the most power efficient production regime. It can also help you manage peak power demand for a groups of assets.
One Trusted Site to Protect Your Data
ISite Central surveillance by Sercel is a cloud based real-time monitoring software to display and control all your data in one place.